After the student used the N-word, video shows newly hired Black school employee lifting the teenage student in the air by his neck in the school hallway and slamming him on the floor, charged
Despite parents and teachers’ efforts to keep racism out of schools, the number of racial incidents in schools countrywide is on the rise in the last couple of months. Recently, we reported about an incident when a teenager was caught on camera slapping one of the few Black students in the school with a belt in a crowded lunchroom after he was seen throwing cotton balls at him. And this case is just among the many lately.
In another incident that happened recently, newly hired Black school monitor was arrested and charged after a cell phone video clearly shows him lifting a student in the air by his neck in the school hallway and then pushing the student to the wall several times. The newly hired aide told the school officials and the officers he attacked the student after overhearing the student allegedly using the N-word.
According to ABS, the incident happened earlier this month and the video of the incident went viral in a matter of days. Per the outlet, the Black school monitor was identified as C. Ferguson and he was arrested and charged with one count of child abuse without great bodily harm for roughing up the student for the incident that happened in THS in Florida. This crime is considered a felony in the third degree.
The video once again sparked a lot of debate, but majority of the parents and the online community agree the violence perpetrated by the adult was not appropriate even though the minor called him the N-word. The parents of the teenager, whose identity and age were not revealed because he is a minor, later confirmed they have started the process of pressing charges against Ferguson.
Witnesses told law enforcement the incident happened a little before 3 p.m. as Ferguson overheard the conversation using the derogatory word while the kids were on in-house suspension. The adult approached the young person and told him “He could not speak like that.” Per the local county sheriff office incident report, Ferguson spoke to the teen before the class was over, but upon dismissal, heard him say to his girlfriend that he was “in (his) feelings.” This was the alleged trigger prompting the monitor’s violent response.
The initial investigation showed what is clearly seen in the video, Ferguson snatched the student “by the shirt and neck and lifted him up to the ceiling, leaving red marks over his neck and chest area.” Moments later, Ferguson slammed the boy to the floor. Ferguson is then clearly seen going after the student while another, female student, tries to push Ferguson off of her friend. That’s the moment when the teenager is heard yelling to his friends, “I ain’t no little n**ga.”
Shortly after the assault, the teenager was escorted to the school’s nurse for treatment, but no details about his condition after the assault were officially provided. The local authorities didn’t disclose the race of the student involved in the incident and confirmed they contacted the student’s mother informing her of what had happened earlier that day who immediately showed interest in filing charges against the school employee. Additionally, authorities reached out to the Department of Children and Families.
In addition to the video that immediately went viral, investigators obtained surveillance camera footage and photos from other students’ cell phones. All of them will be used as evidence against Ferguson. Speaking to the local News 6, a parent of a student said everyone“ has to be conscious of what they are saying,” but still said the incident was “concerning” to her.
“I don’t think at any time it is appropriate to put your hands on a child,” a mother said. “I will say that we are in the current situation where like racial tensions are very high.”
Since his arrest, Ferguson bonded out and resigned from the position in the school after spending only a week working in that particular school.